Medicine for the Elderly Training Day "Imaging the Older Patient"

Category: Medicine - Other

Date: May 25th 2012

Location: Learning & Research Centre, Southmead Hospital, Bristol


(The Medical Grand Round at Southmead will proceed the teaching day proper, from 08.45 - 10.00, in the Learning & Research Centre: on Microbiology this week)


10.20 How echocardiography can help you out

Mark Cheesman (Con Physician/Geriatrician)

11.00 Coffee

11.20 Imaging Dementia

Alec Mortimer (Specialist Reg in Radiology)

12.00 Chest CT

Anthony Edey (Con Radiologist)

12.40 Lunch (local pub)

14.00 Using DEXA scanning

Karen Harding (Con Physician/Geriatrician)

14.40 Imaging in Palliative Care

Clare Kendall (Con Palliative Care Physician)

15.30 Tea and socialise

16.00 Tour of the Department for those who want it...