Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust
The rotation in Gloucestershire comprises of cross-site working between Gloucester and Cheltenham as of November 2018. The Trust provides acute hospital services from two large district general hospitals, Cheltenham General Hospital and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. Maternity Services are also provided at Stroud Maternity Hospital. Trust staff also provides outpatient clinics and some surgery from community hospitals throughout Gloucestershire.
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital provides general hospital services. Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has a 24-hour Emergency department, a state of the art Children's Centre and a women’s centre. The hospital also has a range of operating theatres, inpatient wards and provides outpatient services from a dedicated outpatient department.
The rotation allows an equal amount of time to be spent at both sites, typically spending at least a week as the rota allows. There is flexibility to allow time for further endoscopic training and to attend extra clinics as needed for training. Below gives more information of what to expect at both sites.
Name |
Specialty Interest/Role |
Primary site |
Dr Roland Valori (Clinical Director for Gastroenterology) |
Endoscopy |
Dr Ian Shaw (Acting Chief of Service for Medicine |
Dr Paul Dunckley |
Endoscopy/IBD |
Dr Ashish Sinha |
Hepatology |
Dr Coral Hollywood |
Hepatology |
Dr Simon Hellier |
Hepatology |
Prof Jonathan Brown |
Dr Richard Makins |
Capsule endoscopy/IBD/wireless capsule endoscopy |
Dr Alex DiMambro |
Nutrition |
Dr Hash Kriel |
Alcohol services |
Dr Trevor Brooklyn |
Endoscopy/ERCP/IBD |
Dr John Anderson |
Endoscopy/ERCP |
The team is also supported by 4 IBD specialist nurses and 3 hepatology specialist nurses.
Gloucester Royal Hospital
There is not an inpatient ward in Gloucester and most of the time is spent seeing new referrals and triaging gastroenterology patients to be transferred to the inpatient ward in Cheltenham. This leaves many opportunities to attend the lunchtime acute bleed lists daily and inpatient endoscopy lists. The registrars do a weekly clinic at least, comprising of the IBD rapid access clinics and hepatology clinic. There are also opportunities to do a clinic at one of the community hospitals (Dilke clinic). Time can also be spent completing audits, projects and CPD.
Cheltenham General Hospital
The inpatient ward is reasonably protected for gastroenterology patients. There is a wide range of pathology and experience is gained in managing complex IBD patients, patients requiring parenteral nutrition and patients with advanced liver disease. There are opportunities to do registar-led clinics, both at CGH and at the community hospitals (Cirencester and Tewkesbury).
Training Opportunities
Diagnostic and therapeutic upper and lower GI endoscopy, including enteroscopy and feeding tube insertion
24 hour GI bleeding service
Video capsule endoscopy
Complex polypectomy service
Liver specialist nurse-led outpatient ascitic drain service
Clinics at both sites including a once monthly clinic with Bham transplant hepatologist
Viral hepatitis service
Weekly nutrition round at both sites
Weekly nutrition MDT at both sites
Weekly rapid access IBD clinic at GRH
IBD MDT fornightly
Weekly upper GI MDTs
Weekly colorectal MDTs
Monthly Gloucestershire Gastroenterology Group MDT with discussions of complex cases and teaching