Key Contacts
Training Programme Director for Genitourinary Medicine and Sexual Health: Dr Megan Crofts based at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Head of School of Medicine: Dr Carolyn Mackinlay
Associate Dean for Medicine: Dr Jon Francis
Education programme Manager: Louise Peckham
Education programme coordinator: vacant
Health Education South West Severn supervises all postgraduate medical specialist training in the region.
Information about the Specialty
This training programme runs from ST3-ST6 and offers exposure to a wide range of genitourinary and HIV conditions. The rotation is based in the Northern part of South West England and in addition to the hub at Bristol there is the option of rotating to a peripheral centre in Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham, Gloucester or Swindon. It is a great place to live, train and work.
We work closely alongside our colleagues at the University of Bristol Medical School providing ample opportunities for involvement in teaching and training of undergraduate students and there are strong links to research giving many research opportunities.
What is Genitourinary Medicine?
Genitourinary medicine (GUM) involves the investigation and treatment of STIs, the diagnosis and management of both HIV and HIV associated conditions, and sexual health promotion and education to all groups. The core GU service is usually provided in integrated sexual health clinics where contraception is also delivered.
GUM is a patient-centred specialty that encompasses aspects from general medicine, virology, microbiology, dermatology, infectious disease, gynaecology, urology and public health. Combined these create a unique and rewarding career. There is plenty of opportunity to develop sub-speciality interests.
GUM is increasingly community-based whilst HIV care is usually delivered from acute settings.
Why choose Genitourinary Medicine?
GUM is a dynamic specialty providing care for all aspects of sexual health and HIV. The day-to-day work of a GUM physician varies, depending on the setting and sub-specialty skill. It can range from managing acute presentations of STIs, contraception, sexual assault assessment and post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in addition to the chronic management of HIV. Most patients are well enough to be treated as outpatients.
At Unity Sexual Health, Bristol there is a fully-integrated clinic with contraception provision, enabling GUM trainees to easily complete their contraceptive training.
Specialist clinics currently running within Severn PGME are:
Young people’s clinics
Psychosexual medicine
Chronic Pelvic Pain syndrome (men)
Chronic Pelvic Pain (women)
Genital dermatology
Complex female cases
African Well Woman’s clinic: supporting women who have experienced Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Specialist contraceptive clinics
Outreach work: male sauna, massage parlours and street sex worker outreach clinics
As many of our patients come from vulnerable and under-represented populations, there is a real emphasis on social circumstances and emotional health.
What are the entry criteria for GUM training?
The nature of genitourinary medicine requires trainees who are non-judgmental, excellent communicators and team players.
All applications for GUM training are done through the Royal College of Physicians national application model.
You will be expected to have completed Core Medical Training (or equivalent training) and have full membership of the Royal College of Physicians. The latest person specification which outlines the essential entry criteria is available from Health Education England.
Training Opportunities at South West Severn
Trainees spend the three years of their training working in the inner city clinic in Bristol, with a one year rotation to peripheral clinics such as Bath, Gloucester or Swindon to gain broader experience. The timing and location of these placements can be flexible to suit your training needs.
Trainees complete two 3-month HIV inpatient placements during their training; most trainees will complete these in Bristol at Southmead Hospital, with the option to complete the second placement in a larger unit (e.g. London).
Trainees are expected to attend a variety of courses, for example, those run by BHIVA (British HIV Association) and BASHH (British Association for Sexual Health and HIV). Trainees are also encouraged and supported to take part in service development and research, and to present findings at national and regional meetings.
There are qualifications which must be gained throughout training:
Diploma in Genitourinary Medicine
Diploma of Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Diploma in HIV Medicine
These are completed around the time of ST4, ST5 and ST6 respectively. There is also encouragement to gain Letters of Competence in implant and coil fitting.
Trainees take an active role in teaching, both of undergraduates at University of Bristol Medical School, as well as junior doctors attached to the clinic. This is delivered in a variety of formats from lectures and small group work, as well as one-to-one clinical teaching.
Annual Assessment Information
A GUM trainee has a range of work-based assessments to complete - including mini-CEX, DOPs, CBDs and MSFs. Progression through training is assessed at ARCPs on an annual basis. Further information about the GUM curriculum requirements is available through the JRCPTB website.
The standard length of training for a GUM trainee is 4 years (full-time).