Key Contacts
Training Programme Director for Infectious Diseases – Ed Moran, North Bristol Trust
Head of School of Medicine: Dr Carolyn Mackinlay
Associate Dean for Medicine: Dr Jon Francis
Education programme Manager: Louise Peckham
Education programme coordinator: vacant
Health Education South West Severn supervises all postgraduate medical specialist training in the region.
Information about the Specialty
Infectious diseases is a fascinating and rapidly changing specialty which offers the opportunity to see a wide range of patients, combine laboratory and clinical skills and potentially spend time in research or working abroad. Particular challenges include the emergence of new diseases, and the increasing problems associated with antimicrobial resistance. Unlike many medical specialties infection specialties are not confined to a single organ or system. Infections can present in many different ways, in patients of all ages and backgrounds.
The training programme has been revised over the last few years and again recently with the introduction of “Internal Medicine training”. Those wishing to accredit in ID/micro undertake two years of IMT whereas those wishing to accredit in ID/gen med undertake all three years. All infection trainees then spend two years in a combined infection training (CIT) programme, with one year predominantly ID-based and one year spent attached to the microbiology laboratory and clinical consult rounds. This is followed by higher specialist training for either two years for ID/general medicine or three years in ID/microbiology.
Infectious diseases involves in-patient work based in regional specialist ID Units, managing patients with a range of complex conditions including community acquired infections, returning travellers, TB, HIV, and multi-drug resistant infections. Advice and consultation are provided in partnership with colleagues in microbiology for the management of nosocomial infections, antimicrobial stewardship, bone/joint infection and infections in immunocompromised patients.
Out-patient work includes travel-related conditions, specialist clinics in HIV, TB, viral hepatitis and bone and joint infections. Involvement in the oversight of infection management in the community is increasingly important through both out-patient antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) services and “virtual wards”.
The specialty will suit trainees who want to be challenged, who enjoy the interface between clinical and laboratory medicine and are keen on research. Many trainees go on to complete research projects leading to higher degrees and diplomas. Research and additional specialist experience is actively encouraged by the specialty advisory committee.
Training Opportunities in Southwest – Severn
Severn offers training in ID with general medicine and ID with microbiology. Training takes place at North Bristol NHS Trust and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust. Microbiology services are provided by Severn Pathology, a partnership between Public Health England and North Bristol NHS Trust – the large modern lab provides diagnostics for the hospitals of Bristol and Bath and is based at Southmead. The inpatient ID unit is at Southmead but “ID” training also takes places in consult rounds and clinics delivered by the microbiology teams at both hospitals. Trainees spend 18-24 months of the training scheme based on the ID ward and the remainder rotating between the microbiology departments.
Research is actively encouraged for those with interest and many trainees undertake a PhD or other higher degrees. Elective secondments to specialist units around the UK are supported where feasible.
The Training Hospitals
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Annual Assessment Information
Annual assessments taken by trainees as an Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP)