Occupational Medicine
Key Contacts
Training Programme Director for Occupational Medicine - Dr Simon Williams (Based at UHBW)
Head of School of Medicine: Dr Carolyn Mackinlay
Associate Dean for Medicine: Dr Jon Francis
Education programme Manager: Louise Peckham
Education programme coordinator: vacant
Health Education England supervises all postgraduate medical specialist training in the region.
Training Opportunities in Southwest - Severn
Occupational Medicine (OM) is a small specialty within Severn and Peninsula Deaneries, with 3 NTN training posts. NHS work, however, is only a small part of the OM remit, so that trainees' work in these posts will also include exposure to health issues with other employers, in both the public and private sectors. As an example, clients currently served in the Bristol Area include Councils, schools, the water and waste industries and a range of small industrial employers. The specialty encourages trainees to make visits to clients' workplaces and engage actively in understanding the links between health and the working environment. Higher training is a four-year programme commencing at ST3. Requirements for entry are available from the website of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, with regional information available from Training Programme Direction Dr. Simon Williams.
The Training Hospitals