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Respiratory Medicine is a popular speciality, due to its combination of acute and chronic disease management, practicality and intellectual interest. All our trainees combine training in Respiratory Medicine and its subspecialties with General Medical training. Our graduates have a good record in obtaining consultant posts, often choosing to remain in either University or District hospitals in the attractive South West of England.
The South West respiratory rotation covers both the Severn Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) and the Peninsula PGME (Devon and Cornwall) regions. This allows for a very diverse rotation, including small rural DGHs, larger hospitals in attractive towns such as Bath and Exeter, the new teaching hospitals of the Peninsula Medical School, and the long-established teaching hospitals of Bristol.
Bristol University has a well-established Respiratory research unit led by Professor Ann Millar, and research programmes in association with the Peninsula Medical School are developing in Exeter and Plymouth. All our trainees are encouraged to develop research interests and to pursue opportunities to study for a higher degree, either within the South West or in other academic centres. Recent trainees have obtained MDs or PhDs in Bristol, Exeter, London, Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh and overseas.
Specialty Certificate Examinations
Contact Dr David Smith, Training Programme Director based at North Bristol NHS Trust.