Key Contacts
Training Programme Director for Haematology - Dr Amanda Clark (Based at UHBW)
Head of School of Medicine: Dr Carolyn Mackinlay
Associate Dean for Medicine: Dr Jon Francis
Education programme Manager: Louise Peckham
Education programme coordinator: vacant
Health Education South West Severn supervises all postgraduate medical specialist training in the region.
Information about the Specialty
There’s lots of variety in haematology. At the centre of the specialty is the need to be a good medical doctor. Emanating from there are numerous potential paths taking some or all of transfusion medicine, bleeding disorders, haematological malignancy, paediatric haematology and general haematology. Within each of these disciplines is the need to understand both laboratory and clinical manifestations of disease.
Haematologists support patients and staff to try and effect best patient care. The specialty is relatively small and well-funded, with new diagnostic and therapeutic developments continually mushrooming.
Liaison with Emergency physicians, Surgeons, Psychiatrists and other Medical specialities is a key part of a haematologists role and is varied, educational and fulfilling.
Therapeutic relationships with patients are often intense, synergistic and highly rewarding.
Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists is one of the requirements to gain a certificate of completion of training – and recognises a haematologist’s role in understanding ‘the science behind cure’.
Training Opportunities in Southwest - Severn
All trainees will rotate through University Hospitals Bristol which is a teaching hospital with Bone marrow Transplant and CAR-T service as well as housing the regional Haemoglobinopathy and Haemophilia Centre. Over the course of their 5 years all trainees will rotate through four 4 month subspecialty blocks; Transfusion (UHB and NHS Blood and Transplant), Bone Marrow Transplantation (UHB), Paediatric Haematology (Bristol Royal Hospital for Children) and Haemostasis (UHB). In general 2-2.5 years will be spent at UHB (including 16 months in sub-speciality rotations). In addition we aim for all trainees to rotate through Southmead (which has regional renal, neurosurgical, neurology, vascular, infectious diseases, urology) and usually two of three other District General Hospitals; RUH Bath, Cheltenham and Gloucester, and Swindon. Trainee rotations occur every 4 months (1st Weds of Jan, May and Sept) exceptions do occur especially where trainees are starting or completing their training. Placements in DGHs will generally be 8 or 12 months duration.
There are several 12 month Speciality Fellow posts (including Lymphoma, Leukaemia, Myeloma, Transplant) with 60/40 clinical/non clinical split which are available annually. These are advertised and applied for competitively and are generally taken as Out of Programme for Training. In addition trainees are actively encouraged to consider applying for research (PhD or M.D) either in or out of Bristol.
Academic Programme: we have a successful programme of Academic Clinical Fellows, this runs alongside the clinical training programme with trainees completing 25% academic and 75% clinical training over 3years during which time they would be expected to apply for a PhD.
Paediatric Haematology: There is no separate certificate of completion of training in Paediatric Haematology, all trainees CCT in Haematology, however trainees aspiring to do Paediatric Haematology are generally expected to do a minimum of 2 years Paediatric Haematology training. Trainees can apply from a paediatric or adult background, plus there is an option to switch between adult and paediatric haematology career intentions during training. There are 3.2 whole time equivalent Paediatric Haematologists and are able to train Paediatric Haematology trainees, and accommodate their Paediatric training in a specific Paediatric Haematology sub-speciality post.
Overview of Training
The Training Hospitals
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
North Bristol NHS Trust (Southmead Hospital)
NHS Blood and Transplant Filton
Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Swindon)