13th Acute Medical Emergencies Course for CMT & ACCS trainees
Category: Training - Other
Date: February 21st 2014
Location: Post Graduate Medical Education Centre, Bristol Royal Infirmary
This course is designed to help Core Medical Trainees learn about familiar and less familiar medical emergencies in a realistic, non-threatening and fun environment.
State of the art medical simulation facilities are put to good use with consultant and senior SpR led small group sessions designed to challenge and educate at the same time. Scenarios are changed for each course and simulate a ward environment with (in) complete notes and radiology, helpful (or not) F1s and phone negotiations with tired and grumpy consultants.
Topics on previous courses have included:
- Variceal bleeding and chronic liver disease (with spectacular special effects!)
- Medical emergencies in pregnancy
- Dissecting thoracic aneurysm
- Hands on teaching on USS guided central line placement and Sengstaken tube
- Advanced communication and ethical dilemmas
100% of delegates on the last course stated that they would come again and recommend the course to a friend.
Each course is different covering different sections of the curriculum so feel free to attend more than one during your CMT/ACCS training.
The course has 20 places and is free to core medical trainees in the Severn Postgraduate Medical Education region.
To reserve a place please email James Murray James.Murray@UHBristol.nhs.uk and Elaine elaine@bmsc.co.uk by Friday 7th February 2014.
Places are allocated on a first come first served basis with priority given to those who have not attended a previous course.