Acute Medical Emergencies Course
Category: Training - CMT Teaching Days
Date: February 16th 2018 12:00am
25th Acute Medical Emergencies Course
Friday 16th February 2018
Bristol Medical Simulation Centre
Post Graduate Medical Education Centre
Bristol Royal Infirmary
This course is designed to help medical trainees learn about familiar and less familiar medical emergencies in a realistic, non-threatening and fun environment.
State of the art medical simulation facilities are put to good use with registrar led small group sessions designed to challenge and educate at the same time. Scenarios are changed for each course and simulate a ward environment with (in)complete notes and radiology, helpful (or not) F1s and phone negotiations with tired and grumpy consultants.
Topics on previous courses have included:
- Variceal bleeding and chronic liver disease
- Bradycardia and transthoracic pacing
- Respiratory failure and use of NIV
- Hands on teaching on USS guided central line placement and chest drains
- Advanced communication and ethical dilemmas
We aim to cover some of the emergency, "top 20" and generic skills described in the portfolio curriculum on each course. Each course is different covering different sections of the curriculum so feel free to attend more than one during your CMT training.
The course is currently open to Severn Deanery Trainees in CMT and ACCS, but course charges differ as below:
CMT trainees: Free
ACCS CT2b (AIM): Free
ACCS year other than CT2b: £50
Unfortunately, due to limited spaces we cannot currently offer places to other trainees, staff grades or clinical fellows.
To ensure everyone has an opportunity to attend a course we will offer places first to those who have not been able to attend a course so far, then on a first come, first served basis.
You must be able to attend for the whole day (9am-5pm).
To cover against non-attendance all trainees wishing to secure a place should complete the attached booking form with a cheque for £50, made out to "Heath Education South West" to:
Rhiannon Hughes
51 Braemar Avenue
If you are entitled to free attendance the cheque will only be cashed in the event of non-attendance. Please include an e-mail address so we can let you know when your payment has been received and place confirmed.
Please direct any queries to: