Urology Simulation Course
Category: Training - Core Surgery
Date: April 13th 2016 5:30pm until 8:00pm
Location: Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital, Parkfield Drive, Taunton TA1 5DA
For FY1s, FYIs, GP trainees, Core trainees (medical and surgical). Trainees preparing for application to ST3 Urology.
Interested in a career in Urology? Ever had a catheter problem while on call? This course can help!
Course Aims:
- Catheters: Tips and tricks when it’s not straightforward – Types of catheters, changing SPCs and how to do a good bladder washout
- Procedural skills to manage difficult catheter insertion (Flexi/Guidewire catheter insertion, Suprapubic catheters – Practical model)
- Introduction to the scope of core urological practice: Opportunity to practise or trial Cystoscopy, Stent insertion, Ureteroscopy, TURP, TURBTs on simulation models provided by Olympus
5.30pm – 5.45pm. Arrivals, Introduction, Welcome & Pizza (Free! Eat during lecture.)
5.45pm – 6.30pm. Lecture (with different types of catheters for demonstration). ‘Catheters: Tips and tricks when it’s not straightforward.’
6.30pm – 7.30pm. ( 2 Groups, 2 x 30 minute sessions) – Try to split groups into abilities
Group A (30 mins) Procedural skills to manage difficult catheter insertion.
- Demonstration of flexible cystoscope and guidewire for catheter insertion, delegates have a go
- Indications, contraindications and demonstration SPC insertion, delegates practise
Group B (30 mins) Introduction to the scope of urological practice
For more experienced delegates:
- Opportunity for more experienced trainees to familiarise themselves with equipment and practise assembling cystoscope, cystoscopy and stent insertion prior to ST3 Interview
- Practise TURP, TURBT, Ureteroscopy on Olympus models
For less experienced delegates:
- Opportunity for less experienced delegates to appreciate scope of core urological practice. Try Assembling Cystoscope, Cystoscopy, TURP, TURBT, Ureteroscopy, Stent insertion
7.30pm – 8pm Extra time for practice on models if desired
Additional Information/Registration
Please contact Emma Papworth (CT2 Surgery) at emma.papworth@tst.nhs.uk or e.papworth@nhs.net