What is an ARCP?

An ARCP, or Annual Review of Competence Progression, is a formal assessment of trainee competency. ARCPs usually take place once a year, unless a trainee dual-accredits in which case they will have two. These assessments are conducted and recorded as per the Gold Guide and Decision Aids available on the JRCPTB website.
An ARCP panel will usually be comprised of at least 2 consultants one of whom will be the TPD or Head of School, with a Deanery team member and possibly a lay representative. The panel will look at evidence in the E-Portfolio to judge the competency of a trainee’s progression. It is not expected that you will attend this annual review in person. The outcome of your ARCP will be delivered by the TPD or Educational supervisor after the panel has convened.

What do I need to have prepared for my ARCP?

You must have a fully completed Form R, part A and B, within 30 days of your ARCP date. If you dual-accredit or are required to have a follow up ARCP, a second Form R must be submitted if it is more than 30 days after the first ARCP.

NB: If you are preparing for a Final ARCP, you must submit a new Form R for revalidation purposes.

If you are a Less Than Full Time trainee, on OOP, Maternity Leave etc please ensure that you complete and submit a CCT Calculator prior to your ARCP.

The Pre-ARCP Checklist is available for trainees to check off the necessary items to prepare for the ARCP. Briefly:

1.      E-Portfolio - you must ensure that your E-Portfolio is up to date by the date specified above. Please ensure that you have checked your ARCP decision aid with regards to the relevant targets for your year of training.   

2.      Educational supervisors report – up to date. 

3.      Form R for revalidation purposes –to be signed and all parts completed. 

4.      Wider Scope of Practice Form – if applicable. Click here for details. 

5.      ARCP Self declaration Form COVID-19 –Now available and attached to this email, all trainees will be requested to complete this form irrespective of having an ARCP or not this spring/summer

Deadline for Submission - all required documents as outlined to be saved in the ‘Personal Library’ section of your E-Portfolio, subheading ‘month/year’ of ARCP account by 2 weeks prior to the ARCP.  The panel members will then review these documents in advance of the virtual meeting.

Non-submission of these documents may result in an unsatisfactory ARCP outcome. The below documents include the relevant revalidation paperwork that you are required to submit. Failure to submit these documents will be recorded as failing to engage with revalidation processes. 

If you have mitigating circumstances which you feel have or could have an impact on your progression that you would like the ARCP panel to consider, please provide details of this, including any relevant Occupational Health reports or GP letters etc. 

Penultimate Year Review

For those doctors in training approaching their final year of training.


If you are on OOP at the time of your ARCP then guidance on the required revalidation paperwork can be found on the below link. Whilst on OOP you may not be required to attend your ARCP in person, this decision is made by your TPD.  

OOP Assessment 

Academic ARCPs

Academic Clinical Lecturers (ACLs) and Academic Clinical Fellows (ACFs) are clinical trainees in academic training, who are also required to take part in an ARCP. Academic Trainees must have all of the above, including a fully completed Form R, part A and B, within 30 days of the ARCP date. If you dual-accredit or are required to have a follow up ARCP, a second Form R must be submitted if it is more than 30 days after the first ARCP. Academic Trainees must have all the same information within their portfolio, but must also include an Academic Supervisor Report and submit Annex A and Annex B alongside their Form R.

Useful Guides

Related Sites


ARCP Decision Aids

Academic Training

Gold Guide